Aberdeenshire Council Budget Engagement.
Please find attached a news release in relation to Aberdeenshire Council Budget Engagement. It is important that as many residents as possible are aware of the engagement and given the opportunity to share their views. Budget Engagement for 2025/26 | Engage Aberdeenshire Paper copies of this can also be accessed in libraries or service points. Early details of the outcome of the survey received before 15 November will be provided to the Councillors on 21…
Engaging with Communities – Budgets
Aberdeenshire Health & Social Care Partnership are holding events to engage with communities on how they shape their budget next year and in the coming years. There is also an option for anyone who would like to give their thoughts online. Health and Social Care in Aberdeenshire | Engage Aberdeenshire
Aberdeenshire Council’s Resilience Month
Please find attached a media release highlighting the fourth week of Aberdeenshire Council’s Resilience Month which is encouraging residents to consider how they might respond to a household emergency or severe weather incident. The article is also available online here: https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/news/2024/sept/resilience-month-aberdeenshire-week-four-preparing-for-winter